Yes, we all have days like these. ( See what I mean, Sonia?) No, I am not going to talk about the American TV series by the same name as my post title. I am desperate because laundry is taking over my life. This may not seem important in the scheme of world order but I may loose my cool soon.
Yesterday I was trying to figure out why I was feeling so out of it, not my usual self? Well you have not gone swimming for two weeks and you need to...and.... Eureka!...... Laundry, freaky, laundry!
See, last week I thought the laundry was under control. I ironed like a furious woman ( imagine Wilma without the rain). The problem is I did not put the ironed clothes away so by yesterday after having dried all the laundry I did over the weekend, I had piles of clothes in my laundry room waiting to be tended to.
I need to deal with this soon or I will be dreaming laundry. Doing laundry is a thankless job and have you noticed it is a never ending one, too? I don´t think I have never not had laundry to do! Wow, that is a sad thought.
So, I am desperate and feeling like a failure because I suck at doing laundry. (Well, I´m desperate but don´t believe the failure part, please.) I am feeling horrible because I am a Desperate Housewife and now so many more people know this because of this blog.
Maybe someone will want to do a reality show about me.....hmmm
5 comentários:
lololoo tanta preocuoação rapariga e vocês são só dois, imagina eu....
Eu costumo levantar-me ás 6H30 da matina para passar um pouco a ferro, depois às 7H levamto os miudos e dou-lhes o pequeno almoço, preparo o lanche da manhã e da tarde para o André e finalmente trato de mim... em 5 minutos.... fora vezes que acordo de madrugada para pôr a roupa a lavar! Ainda te achas deprimida? LOLOLOLOLOLO
Vida stressante esta a das mulheres nao é? MAs também compensadora.
Um beijo
Nós não passamos a ferro. Fica assim resolvido o problema.
(Para ali está o ferro, a um canto. Deve ser usados umas duas ou três vezes por ano...)
Eu....Me myself and i....Penso mais naquela serie, "Lost".....Qual laundry, qual passar a ferro,ficava contente era se tivesse escapado um necessaire com uns cremezitos, com um Britt, para se colocar nuns dias de tempestade, ficava finalmente morena, fazia dieta, não pagava impostos, não andava de bus a compartilhar os smells dos outros, não existiam filas, and last but not least....não tinha computador onde recebia mails e mails de correntes da amizade....
Dont Streess..
Beijos Moskki
Very good advice ladies. Organization is the key!!
Muitos beijinhos and happy housekeeping!!!
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