
like a tourist

I found these old portuguese tourism brochures. When I first moved to Portugal my mindset was that of the days in which I came as a visitor on summer vacation almost every summer as a child and teenager. I did experience that phenomenon called culture shock when I first moved here and it took me quite some time to go into real life mode.

Now I really can´t see myself living anywhere else.

More tourism graphics: Oregon and Scandanavia and Holland.

PS. There are some wonderful travel posters and others HERE(once you click on the thumbnails use the next and previous button on the left hand side to view much more!

9 comentários:

Frances disse...

These are great, Mary! I have a bunch of them from my parents from the sixties as well. And some wonderful ones from Spain, when my dad lived there. I'll send you some photos!


saloia disse...

Thanks Frances...
that would be great.
i was amazed at how diffferent Setúbal´s port looked...
abraços para ti :)

ana lebre disse...

Tenho essa banda de música em pequeno


Anónimo disse...

És a melhor embaixadora de portugal, que mais fundamenta as suas pesquisas. Nunca conheci ninguém tão português como tu :)

saloia disse...


Tereclopes disse...

Que bom que é, gostares tanto de estar por cá.
Muito obrigada

Alix disse...

you should be employed for your promotion of Portugal and finding all that is positive about your adopted home. wonderful pamphlets

saloia disse...


i could use the money ;))

obrigada Teresa*

isabel disse...

Que bom que te sentes bem aqui... Quem dera a muitos nascidos cá sentirem um cheirinho do que tu nos mostras.