
caza do commercio

Setúbal, April 2007

This shop in Setúbal must have been so very interesting...now it is a large scale department store.

Well, the saga over my camera continues....my father sent me one as a gift (supposedly) but in Luís´name (a hint?) and since he was away on a business trip the camera is stuck at the post office and tomorrow is a holiday. I am still trying to come to terms that my father prefers Luís over me. ;)

more sweetness:

Sarah made banana pudding and I haven´t had it in ages. There is an easy recipe here.


amor à Capucha

capucha como rodilha

Image taken from Artes e Tradições de Viseu, Direcção-Geral da Divulgação. Terra Livre, 1982.

Link: Lindas rodilhas da Amazónia.

Beautiful endings and beginnings in blogging for *Olga*. Can´t wait.

ps. Monday, I finally have a new camera and new posts to post. Yeah!



Capucha stitching on a Capucha

Imagens tiradas de Artes e Tradições de Viseu, Direcção-Geral da Divulgação,1982. Terra Livre.

Nos finais dos anos 1970´s e princípios dos 80´s, a Direcçaõ-Geral da Divulgação e o Ensino Básico via Centros de Formação de Professores de varias cidades colaboraram para publicar um levantamento de artesenato e património cultural da sua propria região. Este de Viseu veio ter as minhas mãos (lovely Luís) este fim de semana e tem sido a minha leitura últimamente.

Dream: I would like in my next life to come back as an ethnographer, preferably in the Portugal of the 1950´s or maybe even a bit further back to the early 1900's (if it is not too much to ask). I would love to take off and drive around the country to remote places and find craftspeople and ask them how do they make this piece, what is the process, and where did you learn how to do it? I would record it all and put it in a big book with drawings and pictures and transcribe the actual conversations I had with them. »»»AWAKE««««««

The strength of this book is just that. Conversations tape recorded and then transcribed with the spelling out of the pronunciation of the person talking gives you a sense of how the artisan commununicated, after all, also an important part of cultural identity. But first one had to gain the trust of those whom one wanted to converse with which was not always an easy task.

Above, I highlighted the section of the capucha , a covering used throughout Portugal for protection from the elements. Handmade from artesenal wool and decorated with stitching which varied from village to village and tailor to tailor, the capucha was a vital piece of pastoral and rural costume.

an excerpt:

Continuando caminho, estrada fora, tentei encontrar Ester. É uma povoação onde nem um veículo motorizado poderia passar. Para se lá chegar tem que se subir, a pé, um pouco da encosta da serra, primeiro por umas escadas artificiais, depois por umas naturais na própria pedra à custa de tanto se passar lá. Por fim, quando cheguei ao cimo, deparei com imensas casas em cima umas das outras, feitas exclusivamente de pedra e sem o mínimo de condições. As estradas, também feitas de pedra, com alturas diferentes, não devem ter mais de um metro de largura.

As pessoas olhavam para mim desconfiadas. Tentei dialogar com elas; umas sem me responderem, corriam para suas casas e fechavam-se lá dentro, outras cochichavam entre si e depois diziam-me que não usavam capuchas, fechando-me a seguir a porta na cara. Por fim, quando já desanimada voltava para trás, resolvi tentar mais uma vez a minha sorte, indo bater à porta do alfaiate da terra; fui relativamente bem recebida para espanto meu e mostraram-me uma capucha primorosamente feita, cujo desenho do pesponto, bastante curioso, se mostra na página anterior.

»»»A propósito, não quero perder Galerias da Vida Rural (Alentejo).


something simple for Blog Action Day

According to the environmental site TREEHUGGER, coffee is the world’s most commonly traded commodity after crude oil, and tea is the world’s most consumed beverage after water. I find this fact fascinating. Treehugger has many suggestions as to how to take action in being more efficient and cutting on waste in many aspects of daily life.

Going to a café is a pleasurable thing and that is good but recently, something that bothers me is that at one of my favorite cafés they have started using those plastic stirrers instead of spoons for the sake of convenience. I share Luís´ but I realize that I have to insist on a spoon. Also, there is the question of the sugar packets. I save mine if I don´t use all of it. Really, I think there is no need for sugar packets. A more viable and hygenic dispenser could be used.

One suggestion made on the Treehugger list is to use your coffee mug (these are nice too) (and these) at work instead of a paper (even worst a styrofoam) cup. Fortunately, our cafés in Portugal do not use plastic, paper, or styrofoam for takeaway so it is not a problem, but that gets me thinking about fast food packaging....

With all this money being made there is the question of fair trade. I checked three national coffee websites Delta, Nicola and and Sical which belongs to Nestlé and none of them address the issue. But I did find that Nespresso also from Nestlé, has begun a sustainable program for farmers for their more sophisticated brands. Starbucks the famous and outrageously priced American coffeemaker (which does not exist in Portugal, yet) does practice fair trade. To their credit, Delta Cafés has started a campaign of distributing economic lightbulbs in supermarkets when you buy certain brands of their coffee. Also, on their sugar packets they have started to print ways to be more eco-friendly. They claim that it is an effort to offset their contribution to global warming. The other two brands do not address any environmental issues. In the larger supermarkets here in Portugal, I have not noticed organic coffees for sale. (?)

And as for tea, I think a good tip was instead of using tea bags, invest in a good tea infuser. And if you brew your own coffee at home you can use the coffee grinds as fertilizer for your garden.


i+m in

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day


All you have to do is pick an environmental issue and write about it in your blog Monday, October 15th.

Thanks to ROSA for letting me know about it!

um arco

em Vila Nova de Cerveira este verão.


my camera (beloved) is broken...

...and so I leave you with thoughts or words today, while I am grieving it.

Chibinha from chiba or young goat. I still have the song on my mind. :)

I bought tamarindos and they are delicious. I only discovered them here in Portugal.

I made lime brownies. So easy to make.




A rodilha da Zélia.

Obrigada , é bom ter a tua companhia aqui :) Uma rodilha (disponível) bem accompanhada com o lindo quadro da Rute. É lindo, obrigada*.

E a linda fazenda (com xadrez) deu me a Sara

the quilt that refused to go away

I have to admit that I have not connected with my sewing machine as much as I would like to for the last few months. But I too have gone back to my patchwork. This scrap quilt (started back in February) and also my first attempt at patchwork/quilting , therefore having sentimental value for me, is put together but not yet quilted . I may just simply tie the quilt down so that I can move on to the next unfinished project. I used one piece of soft cotton flannel for the middle section and it is very warm.

The back really has nothing to do with the front except that the pink fabric came from Fátima´s mother in Real, Mangualde, the same place from where the wool scraps came from and so there is a connection. The portuguese chita called "campestre" is one of my favorite fabrics. I am just going to enjoy it now.