

Vou fazer em tecido ou com material da Serra de Sintra (este será um arco saloio não Minhoto).

I am going to make an "arco" from fabric or material I gather in the mountains of Sintra.

adoro arcos

Ofereço às primeiras duas pessoas que estiverem interessadas e que me enviarem um email para asbravasarrobagmailpontocom um arco saloio. :)

I will send an arco to the first two people who send me an email and who are interested in having one ...asbravasatgmaildotcom.

13 comentários:

zeliaevora disse...


O que é um arco saloio??? para o que servia nos velhos tempos???

saloia disse...

Estou a brincar ao escrever «arco saloio». Os arcos que eu conheço são os minhotos. este vai ser «saloio» pois vai ser feito com materiais aqui da serra de Sintra.

p.s. ainda falta mais uma pessoa ah ah ah ah

saloia disse...

I have two lucky people!

Zé and Bárbara...
thank you


zeliaevora disse...

:) thank YOU!

♥ tm disse...

oh.... já cheguei tarde...

Anónimo disse...

Oh, seria difícil enviá-lo a São Francisco! Zé and Bárbara, you lucky girls in Portugal who get one! ;-)

mimi k disse...

what is an arco? :-)

saloia disse...

Hi Mimi

An "arco" translated literally is an arch. The link goes to a picture of one I photographed in northern Portugal during festivities (mainly religious). I really am not sure of the origin of arcos (need to research this) but it really is a community event making one of these including men getting wook women and children gathering flowers and decorating and then throwing a big party afterwards....

( I just noticed I forgot to put in the arch part of my arco....:)

saloia disse...


...it should read "men getting the wood" or lumber to build it.


zeliaevora disse...

where i live, many years ago, the poor people would make archs and take them to weddings, for the bride to pass through and then they would get money:)

Anónimo disse...

Yes, that´s right... allways at weddings there is an arc at the table where the happy ones sit. Maybe that´s so everywhere, not unique for Sweden...

Mary, you will post pictures of the arcs you make won´t you? I wish to see it!!!!

saloia disse...

yes I will...Sandra my sister n law will be helping me so it will be a joint project...she is the artist and so talented!

Thanks for the information about the weddings Zé and Olga...fascinating isn´t it»

They must go way back.....


mimi k disse...

sounds so interesting! Thanks for answering... I figured it might be some kind of garden structure from the photo :-)