The title is a rhyme my grandmother has always chimed. I love hearing her use it but now I say it to her every morning when I see her and now I call her
minha linda rolinha ( my little turtle dove) like she did me. Today after work, on this perfect summer day I gave her a haircut! I have been cutting her hair for the last few years when she is in Portugal in the summers and I used to cut my grandfather´s hair as well. I wish my grandmother remembered more about her grandmother and grandfather but she really never talked about them and my mother was young when her grandparents died and so I know little about my maternal family history and almost none of my father´s. I have no pictures of either side of the family of great grandparents or great great grandparents and only a handful and not even that of pictures of my grandparents on either side of when they were young. They were poor and lived in small rural villages, but mostly because they were poor...no pictures survived or were ever taken. Only when my great uncle ..my grandmother´s brother ,went to Portugal in 1955 did he take the two pictures that have my grandparents and my mother and her brothers as children. I know from my 78 year old American cousin, Mary, my great uncle´s daughter ,that he was so impressed with the poverty that he saw that when he was able to bring them to America he did. Ó Maria...és linda!
9 comentários:
Meu amor adoro o teu blog. Sempre!
A Maria está sempre com o beicinho.
(Isto é para competir com a Sandra: se ela põe um * eu ponho dois **... Eheheheheheheh...)
Iuupi....Um comentário no meu blog....hihihi
Beijinhos grandes
Goza muito a tua familia e a tua avózinha..
A bébé joaninha manda beijos cheios de baba...hihi
to be different i guess..or maybe because I canºt find the star because my keyboard is still configured for the portuguese version and the computer is American and I want to keep it Portuguese! :D miss you guys!
Sonia, ainda tens alguns vestidos? A Maria é a ultima que nos resta e e preciosa. Algum dia tenho que pesquisar os nomes e datas dos outros antepassados. A minha prima Mary de que falei ja tentou mas faltou o tempo para tal aventura!
Moskki ...quero ver a Joaninha quando for o Porto.
Luis...o beiço vem de do facto de ela ter o labio de cima muito fininho tal como a minha mae e tios! ahaha
ela fala sempre de ti e a tua familia!!!
A tua avó, tanto amor.....
Olá, Saloia de Boston. O nosso Mezio ardeu todo. O fogo chegou a Adrão e aquilo deve estar uma trsiteza. Bjs.
eu sei eu vi ..mais do que triste :(
sweetness and love in every word:)
Tens uma avó linda, mesmo*
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