For my sisters Sara-Sara and Lucy Goosey...Vacation Picture
I (heart) you both.
I like to listen to the radio, alot. I learn so many things from listening to the radio. For example, now when I see a spider I think of the commentary I heard on BBC radio last month. I can´t remember what the chronicle was about, all I remember is the trivial fact that it is estimated that on average we swallow 3.5 spiders per year ?! This stuck with me. Now I know why sometimes I wake with drool (saliva) dripping down my chin.
I ate a spider and subconsciously I thought it was delicious. This is just my theory.
Seriously, though, I think my love for radio started when I was a little girl. My father had this really cool
Grundig that picked up radio from all over the world. We could never touch it but when he worked evenings or nights, of course I would sit there touching all the buttons and trying to get China, South America or India, anyplace that spoke a different language. Usually, the radio was tuned to WJFD-FM, New Bedford. This was the Portuguese radio station that broadcast the soccer games and gave us news from the old continent. I even called a few times when I was little to dedicate some songs on one of those programs like the ones they have on local radio stations here in Portugal. Funny memory.
The other day I was listening to one of my favorite American radio programs, This American Life, hosted by Ira Glass. They dedicated an episode to trying to fit 20 stories into a one hour show. One of the stories was about two brothers who receive a dog. They have to name the dog. One of the brothers thinks up Pasta because he really loves to eat pasta and that is what came to mind, Pasta. Makes sense. The other brother thought Batman because when the dog stuck his head out the car window his ears became really pointed like Batman. Ok, well, this caused a dilemma. They went into their parent´s room and started to jump on the bed, one screaming Pasta!...the other Batman ! and so it went on they say for awhile. Then they started to fight and that is when their mother comes in and says, ( I am para-phrasing) , "That´s it, the name is Pasta-Batman and no more fighting." The name stuck. What are moms for, right? So, their dog´s name is an excellent, Pasta-Batman.
See, that is why I love radio. I immediately thought of my sisters. Sara is one year, one month and one day younger than me and Lucy is 10 months younger than Sara. We were three little brats who shared a small room until we grew up and left home. Now, I live three thousand miles away from them. How is that possible? But, it is and so I now have this blog that they can visit and see why I came here and what is going on with me. Like Martha Stewart says, " It´s a good thing."
7 comentários:
Adorei a história!:)
Que grande história....
Essa das aranhas já sabia e faço de conta que não sei..... encontro cada bicho na minha casa....
Agora deixei-me que vos diga, estão os dois com cara de parvos lololololololololo que eu adoro! O L. parece mesmo a Sandy lolololo
Obrigada por estas historias que eu gosto tanto de ler.
Mary: de certeza que já te disseram. tu és uma excelente "contadora" de histórias. já pensaste em escrever um livro?! podia ser a tua nova aposta.pensa acho que devias.
beijinhos para todas e thank you!
Hello 4!
Miss you. Thanks for the memories...its funny that the old Grundig now has a coat hangar for an antenna!!
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