
Mais Férias

As cascatas da Peneda são refrescantes com as suas aguas frias!! (quase geladas) mas vale a pena mergulhar e depois sonhar ao sol....

5 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Este ano não estavam geladas, só mais ao início do verão. Pena é a ribeira de Travanca ter tido muito menos água do que no ano passado. Não achas?

saloia disse...

Caro adoroocharpentier,
As aguas estavam quase geladas... eu relembro-te uma certa pessoa que gosta muito do Charpentier me dizer que "ate os olhos querem sair dos orbitos!" Isso não é possivel com agua fria??? Espero que haja mais agua para o ano...

Anónimo disse...

Hi Mary!! Sorry I can't write that great in Portuguese, so I will have to stick to English!! :) Hope all is well w/ everyone!! Today is Labor Day (US holiday) and we are all home, relaxing. Danny starts school tomorrow- he is alittle nervous & excited. To be expected, entering 7th grade can be tough, as we can remember!! His new e mail is ACDCRebels@aol.com.. dandanwiz was a bit "uncool" I guess???? Oh well. Your blog is cool. I've never heard of this before. How did you come about it? When I get some pictures of the family & vacation in Vermont, can I add them to your blog? Life is okay, a bit stressful, and it can take a toll on everything... big hugs & kisses to you & Luis. LUCY
P.S. I'm glad you liked your magazines. I'm still saving them and will send them to you every now & then when I get at least 3 or 4...

saloia disse...

Dear Lucy!
Wow you gave me a great update! I miss you....

saloia disse...
